The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label



Travaux Pratiques (labs). Classes held in laboratories or other settings in which academic and scientific concepts are demonstrated and tested.

Tronc commun

Core curriculum. Courses that all students in a given field must take before specializing.


Tutoring. Upper-level students at many French institutions are available to help new international students adapt to academic methods and master
course content. 


Teaching units. Modules in witch several courses are grouped together. They are divided into fundamental, complementary and free UEs.


Stamp or sticker in your passport that proves that you are authorised to travel to a country.

Visa scientifique-chercheur

Scientific-researcher visa: residence permit for Algerian nationals, researchers employed in France, guests, or with a grant of over €1,650 net per month.


Visa long séjour. Three-month visa issued to non-European nationals wishing to stay in France for more than one year. Once you have arrived in France, you must apply for a residence permit on the ANEF.


Visa long séjour valant titre de séjour. This visa is issued to non-European nationals wishing to settle in France for a period of three months to 1 year. The VLS-TS must be validated on the ANEF within two months of arrival in France.