The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label

Housing Benefits

 I Am in Strasbourg

Housing benefits allow you to: 

These aids are subject to conditions.


Visale Guarantee

The Visale guarantee allows you to have a reliable and trustworthy guarantor free of charge. Set up by the French government, this aid is aimed at young people aged between 18 and 30 and employees aged over 30 (subject to conditions).

Loca Pass

The Loca PassAction Logement offers a 0% interest loan to pay your deposit, which is usually required when you sign your lease.

This guarantee is subject to conditions.


Some financial aids offered by the French government are made to reduce the price of rent. In order to benefit from them, you must have a valid permit of residence and your profile must match their ressources conditions.

3 types of financial aid:

  • Aide personnalisée au logement (Apl)Personalised housing benefit
  • Allocation de logement familiale (Alf)Family housing benefit
  • Allocation de logement sociale (Als)Social housing benefit

Employees of the University of Strasbourg

If you are a staff member of the University of Strasbourg, you may, under certain conditions (in particular the length of your contract and your household resources), be entitled to a one-off financial contribution towards the cost of moving once you have signed your tenancy agreement.