The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label

International Students of the University of Strasbourg: We're Here to Help!

Welcome to the University of Strasbourg

International students and PhD students, teacher-researchers, you will find here all the information and contacts you need to prepare your visit, organize your stay and discover your new living environment.

Our Events

Welcome webinar for international researchers

Concerned profiles :



The aim of this webinar is to outline the various steps to be taken by incoming researchers before they arrive. 

  •    / 
  •   Free

« Life on Campus » Fair

Concerned profiles :

Researcher Student


To welcome you, support you, and make your new academic year easier, you'll find all of the University's services and… 

  •    / 
  •   Esplanade Campus

Info' Session Euraxess

Concerned profiles :



Tous les premiers mercredi du mois, toutes les infos essentielles pour votre mobilité de recherche à Strasbourg !  

  •    / 
  •   Free
  •   Maison Universitaire Internationale - 11 Presqu'île Malraux - 67100 Strasbourg

International Orientation Day

Concerned profiles :



Welcome to Strasbourg !  

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Services Pack


A simple registration in our catalog grants you access to a multitude of dedicated services.

A simple registration in our catalog grants you access to a multitude of dedicated services.

Depending on your profile (student or researcher) and your needs, the University of Strasbourg assists you throughout your stay in France.

On this platform, the University of Strasbourg offers regular activities.
Register in just a few clicks to benefit from or share these services with those around you.

Here are some examples of services offered by the University of Strasbourg


Services Pack catalog

Campus Life


Lauching the Euraxess Strasbourg Career Development Programme

From September 2024, Euraxess Strasbourg will launch its career development programme for international researchers! What will the programme offer?  


Cross-border career workshop

Euraxess Strasbourg organised a career workshop on career opportunities in Germany and Switzerland! 


Roundtable "Women in research"

On the occasion of the International Women's day, Euraxess organised a roundtable about the place of women in academic research. 


Career workshops at Euraxess

During the academic year 2023-2024, Euraxess Strasbourg organised a number of career workshops. 


Pooja Sharma : indian post-doctoral researcher


Discover her career path and her advice for finding a postdoctorate position