The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label

Student Profile

International Student on a Student Exchange Program

  • International mobility program

You are studying abroad at the University of Strasbourg as part of an exchange program (Erasmus+ or cooperation agreement between the University of Strasbourg and your home establishment or a university network agreement such as Eucor–The European Campus).

  • Multiple-majors degree

You are carrying out an international mobility at the University of Strasbourg (Unistra) as part of a program allowing you to obtain several degrees (diploma from your home university, diploma from Unistra, diploma from another partner).


Independent International Student

You are a foreigner moving to Strasbourg to pursue your studies without being a part of an exchange program.


International Student Trainee or a Short-term Program

You are coming to complete a short-term internship in a laboratory, within a department or a component (faculty/school/institute) of the University of Strasbourg.