The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label

Housing Search

 Before My Arrival

There are several sources of information you can use when looking for a home:

For an effective search, you need to understand the different types of housing in France.

Housing Search


Nouveau :


Stay in Strasbourg and its surroundings with Studapart, the housing partner of the University of Strasbourg.

Discover exclusive housing options near your campus, including studios, shared apartments, university residences, and rooms in private homes. Enjoy personalized support throughout your rental search at!

Complete all your rental steps through the platform: from submitting your rental application and booking your accomodation to subscribing to home insurance and accessing additional services offered by Studapart.

Please note that Studapart is an external partner of the University of Strasbourg. Users interested in the services provided by this partner should read through its terms of use and data protection policy before registering.

Public or Private University Residencies

Crous public university housing offers accommodation for grant holders for 10 to 12 months (from September 1st to August 31st). Due to high demand, it's best to start the process early.

Applying for a spot in a private university residence is similar to renting through an agent or individual. You'll need to put together an application file. Upon moving in, you may need to pay a deposit along with the monthly rent. The deposit is refundable when you leave if the property is clean and undamaged.

Rental Agencies

They offer accommodation in the private sector. An agency fee will be charged if your application is accepted (approximately 1 month's rent).


Advertisements in newspapers, online, on social networks and in shops gather accomodations owned by private individuals. You can also find advertisements in rental agencies or notaries.


Watch out for housing scams!

If you have any doubts about an ad or a request from a landlord or rental agent, contact the Bas-Rhin Departmental Housing Agency (ADIL):

You'll receive free advice on legal, financial and fiscal aspects of housing.

University of Strasbourg Housing Guide

The University of Strasbourg Housing Guide is a great resource for finding housing. It offers a variety of housing options to match your profile, stay duration, budget, and preferences.

The "Zoom Logement" Sessions

To help you find accommodation in Strasbourg, the International Relations Office has set up a series of digital meetings called "Zooms logement". You will find all the information you need, expert advice (Guarantie Visale) and the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

These sessions are available in French and English.

Follow the International Relations Office's Instagram account (@internationalunistra) to find out the date of the next session.

Types of Housing in France

In France, apartments located in buildings are described in property advertisements by their number of rooms (T1, T2...).

The smallest apartment is a studio. It consists of a single room, which may have several functions (bedroom, kitchen, living room, study), and a bathroom and a WC which may or may not be separate from the bathroom.

Larger apartments are identified by a letter T (type) and a number indicating the number of rooms in the apartment. The kitchen, bathroom and WC are not counted.

You will also find "bis" apartments, for example "T2bis". This means that one of the 2 rooms in the apartment is large enough to be divided into 2 rooms.

Types of Accomodation

  • Studio : 1 room with kitchenette + bathroom;
  • T1 : 1 main room + kitchen + bathroom;
  • T1 to T2: 1 main room + 1 room with kitchenette + bathroom;
  • T2: 2 rooms + kitchen + bathroom.
  • T3: 3 rooms (2 bedrooms + 1 living room) + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom (with separate WC or included)
  • T3 bis: 3 rooms (2 bedrooms + 1 sitting room), one of which is large enough to be divided into two separate areas + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom (with separate WC or included).