Your Health at the University of Strasbourg
Depending on your status at the University of Strasbourg, you can benefit from the Student Health Services—SSE (students) or the Workplace Health Services—SST (staff) free of charge.
The University of Strasbourg Student Health Services which consists of a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, therapists, dieticians, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers. They will advise you on any health concerns you may have and to help you complete your studies in the best physical and psychological conditions.
The University of Strasbourg has its own medical center: Service de santé étudiante (SSE).
You can access all the following services for free:
- Medical consultations
- Gynecology & contraception, screenings & MST treatments
- Sports (athletic health certificate, medical opinions…)
- Emergencies (medical opinions and guidance, leave of absence certificate)
- General medicine
- Nutrition
- Tobacco addiction
- Consultations with nurses
- Support for specific groups
- Information and prevention campaigns
You can make an appointment by calling the +33 (0)3 68 85 50 24 or on the Doctolib website.
Unistra Employees
If you have a contract with Unistra, you are entitled to free services provided by the SST—Workplace Health Service (Service de la santé au travail).
The SST aims to anticipate any deterioration in the health of Unistra's employees due to their work and to adapt the working environment to address any health issues. The occupational doctor works solely in the interest of the health and safety of employees.
The SST offers various services:
- Medical visits for work-related issues (including adaptations needed for disabilities).
- Psychologist services: if you experience strain, distress, conflicts with colleagues/superiors, or other challenges.
- Mediation services: to help resolve tensions between co-workers in case of conflict.
Upon starting your first contract at the university, the SST should contact you for a "first medical visit." This examination is designed to ensure your suitability for the job you've been hired for and to assess whether any adjustments to your work environment are necessary.
Research Organisations
Are you an employee of the CNRS, Inserm, or another public or private research organiaation?
Similar services as the ones offered by the SST have to be provided by your employer: you can ask your CNRS, Inserm or other employer HR manager to provide you with the contact of your health referent. For the CNRS, you can find their contact info here (under "Alsace" for the DR10).
Health Services for PhD Students
If you are a PhD student, you will be able to refer to either the SSE (Student Health Services) or the SST (Workplace Health Services) according to your funding:
If you don’t have a work contract for your PhD and don’t have any funding, if you have a supporting job outside of the university, if you have a scholarship/fellowship, and if you are enrolled at the Unistra as a PhD student,
- you will have to refer to the SSE (see above for the infomartion relating to the SSE);
If you have a work contract with the university,
- you can benefit from the services provided by the SST.