The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label

Plan Your Housing Search

Identify Your Needs

Type of Accommodation

On the French rental market you will find different types of accommodation :

  • Individual Accommodation;
  • Shared Accommodation;
  • Subletting;
  • In a private home;
  • Private or public university residency;
  • In a hostel.

Accomodation Location

Depending on where you are studying or researching, you may prefer to stay in one of the following locations:

  • In the city center;
  • Close to the city center;
  • Near your place of study or research;
  • Close to public transportation;
  • Close to shops.

Strasbourg has an extensive public transportation network (train, tram, bus) and bike paths, so you can consider areas further away from the centre of Strasbourg when looking for accommodation: Illkirch, Cronenbourg, Schiltigheim and Koenigshoffen have direct connections to downtown Strasbourg.

Short-term Accommodation

If you have not yet found accommodation when you arrive in Strasbourg, consider short-term accommodation solutions such as:

Don't miss our Housing Zoom meetings!

To help you find accommodation in Strasbourg, the International Relations Office has set up a series of digital meetings called "Zooms logement". You will find all the information you need, expert advice (Guarantie Visale) and the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

These sessions are available in French and English.

Follow the International Relations Office's Instagram account (@internationalunistra) to find out the date of the next session.

Accommodation for Exchange Students

Crous University Residency

If you are an international student on an exchange program, you can be considered for a room in a Crous university residency as part of your application.

For more information, please contact the "Crous housing" advisor in the International Relations Office.

Accomodation for PhD Students or Researchers

European Doctoral College

This residence gives priority to first-time PhD students under a multi-diploma joint supervision agreement. It is ideally located on the university’s Esplanade Campus, Boulevard de la Victoire, close to the “Observatoire” tram stop.

The Arconati Villa

The Villa Arconati Visconti is a University of Strasbourg residence dedicated to hosting professors, researchers and postdoctoral students during short stays in Strasbourg. The possible length of stay in the accommodation ranges from a minimum of one week to a maximum of three months. 

Assess Your Financial Ressources

Take into account your resources (personal, grants and subsidies) and work out the maximum amount of rent you can pay per month.

You can use cost of living comparison tools (e.g. to get an idea of the rental budget you will need.

Rental Application

Before you start visiting potential places, you'll need to put together an application to give to the rental agent or landlord. This will allow you to be more responsive.

This application contains several administrative documents which aim to prove your ability to pay the rent:

  • A copy of your photo ID, passport or valid residence permit;
  • For students: a copy of your student card, enrollment certificate for the current year or work contract;
  • For employees: proof of address (electricity bill, telephone bill, gas bill...) and proof of financial resources or social assistance (payslip, housing benefit certificate or housing benefit simulation certificate, notice of grant award...);
  • If you have a guarantor: a copy of the guarantor's identity card, proof of address (electricity, telephone or gas bill) and proof of income (payslip).



The law (Order n° 2015-1437 of November 5th, 2015) forbids the landlord or the real estate agency to ask you for:

  • ID Photos;
  • A copy of your social security card;
  • A copy of your bank account statement or certificate of good bank account management.

Put care into your application. Details make all the difference. But avoid atypical formats.

Make several copies. This will multiply the number of applications you can send and will allow you to be more responsive.

Keep the original documents on you when visiting a potential place, as the owner or estate agent may ask for them to check the authenticity of the information given.


A guarantor is someone (a family member, friend) or a legal entity (bank,...) who agrees to pay your rent if you are unable to do so.

If you don’t have a guarantor and you are between 18 and 30 years old, you can benefit from the Garantie Visale (free), which acts as a guarantor.