- TP
Travaux Pratiques (labs). Classes held in laboratories or other settings in which academic and scientific concepts are demonstrated and tested.
- Tronc commun
Core curriculum. Courses that all students in a given field must take before specializing.
- Tutorat
Tutoring. Upper-level students at many French institutions are available to help new international students adapt to academic methods and master
course content.- UE
Teaching units. Modules in witch several courses are grouped together. They are divided into fundamental, complementary and free UEs.
- Visa
Stamp or sticker in your passport that proves that you are authorised to travel to a country.
- Visa scientifique-chercheur
Scientific-researcher visa: residence permit for Algerian nationals, researchers employed in France, guests, or with a grant of over €1,650 net per month.
Visa long séjour. Three-month visa issued to non-European nationals wishing to stay in France for more than one year. Once you have arrived in France, you must apply for a residence permit on the ANEF.
Visa long séjour valant titre de séjour. This visa is issued to non-European nationals wishing to settle in France for a period of three months to 1 year. The VLS-TS must be validated on the ANEF within two months of arrival in France.