- Guarantor
Person who undertakes to pay your rent as a tenant in the event of non-payment.
Consult the 'Housing' page.
- Hébergé / hébergée
Host: a person employed by a third-party organization but who works in a research unit or faculty of the Université de Strasbourg.
International Bank Account Number. Bank indentification codes allowing you to receive transfers to your bank account.
Consult the 'Openning a bank account in France'
- Inserm
French National Institute for Health and Medical Research. Research organization whose researchers can work in university research units.
- Izly
A payment service that lets you recharge your Pass Campus and use it as a method of payment in Crous restaurants.
- Job (Petit boulot)
Many international students work at part-time jobs (called petits boulots) to supplement their income. Regulations vary according to the type of visa
the student holds.Various websites connect students with job opportunities, including those of CROUS (the regional student-service agencies of the French government) and of universities and schools.
- Justificatif de domicile
Proof of address. Document in your name less than 3 months old that proves your physical address (electricity bill, telephone bill, etc.).
- Laverie
Laundromat. A commercial space equipped with washing machines and dryers. Customers pay (with coins or cards) to use the machines, supplying their own laundry detergent or purchasing it at the laundromat. Located in cities and university towns.
- Mutuelle complémentaire de santé
Complementary helth insurance. Complements the medical care provided by health insurance.
- Ordonnance
Prescription, order. Doctors write prescriptions to enable patients to purchase medications from a pharmacy. They write orders to enable patients to undergo specialized medical tests.
- Partiel
End-of-semester examination in a given course (UE: Unité d'enseigement).
- Pass campus
The campus pass issued by the University of Strasbourg is a card that certifies your studet status or staff status of the university.
See more information on 'Pass campus' page.
- Passeport Talent
Chercheur: residence permit for researchers employed in France, or with a grant of over €1,650 per month.
Multiple choice test.
- Résidence universitaire
University housing. Group of housing units managed by the Crous (Centre régional des oeuvres universitaires et sociales).
- Restaurant universitaire
Un restaurant universitaire (plus familièrement appelé en France resto U ou RU) est une cantine, un lieu de restauration collective destiné aux étudiants.
Relevé d'identité bancaire. Bank indentification codes allowing you to receive transfers to your bank account.
Consult the 'Openning a bank account in France'
Service pour la promotion de l’action sociale de l’Université de Strasbourg. Service of the University of Strasbourg in charge of offering social and cultural activities, and financial aid for university employees.
Occupational Health Service. A service provided by the University of Strasbourg to support the health of its employees in the workplace.
- TD
Travaux Dirigés (tutorials, sections). Small-group sections of lecture courses in which students explore topics raised in the lectures.