The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label

Visit of the European Parliament

Activity - Visits - Visite-Parlement

Reserved for :
  • Student
  • Intern Student [Internship at the Unistra]
Date :
Prices :
Lieu :
1, allée du printemps - Strasbourg

Registration is open - 28 place(s) available

Come and visit the European Parliament, a large, multi-faceted political institution employing a large number of people in a working environment where the 24 official languages of the European Union are used.

In its work, Parliament seeks to defend democracy and human rights, both in Europe and throughout the world.

Over the years, and through successive amendments to the European Treaties, the European Parliament has acquired extensive legislative and budgetary powers which enable it, together with the representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting in the Council, to determine the direction of the European project.  MEPs meet 12 times a year in plenary sessions in Strasbourg to debate and vote on European legislation.

Other services

Guided tour of the European Parliament

Concerned profiles :



Join your Euraxess Center for a guided tour of the European Parliament with the Doctoral College 

  •    / 
  •   Free
  •   1 All. du Printemps, 67000 Strasbourg

French café at "La Cuvette de Bouillons"

Concerned profiles :



Join your Euraxess center for a French café at "La Cuvette de Bouillons" 

  •    / 
  •   Free
  •   8 Rue du 22 Novembre, 67000 Strasbourg