The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label

Research careers in Germany & Switzerland

Activity - Career - Euraxess_CrossBorder

Reserved for :
  • PhD Student
  • Researcher [Postdoc]
  • Teacher-Researcher
  • Alumni researcher
  • Researcher spouse
Date :
Time :
Prices :
Lieu :
Institut Le Bel

Registrations Unavailable

Registration deadline Until 14/06/2024

The event is over

Évènement Until 17/06/2024

Maximum capacity reached

No more space available for this service.

Registration is open Until 14/06/2024

Come and find out about career opportunities in the academic and private sectors in Switzerland and Germany


Research careers in Germany and Switzerland : what opportunities ?


June 17, 9AM-6PM



Salle Ourisson | Institut Le Bel | 4 rue Blaise Pascal, 67000 Strasbourg

9AM– 9 :30 : registration and welcome coffee 

9 :30 – 9 :45 : opening speeches

  • Cassandre Devos (Euraxess University of Strasbourg): Euraxess Centre’s Career programme
  • Annick Dejaegere (Vice-President in charge of doctoral trainings)

9 :45 – 10 :15 : Cooperation through EUCOR in research

Bernd Finger, Deputy director, Eucor – The European Campus

10 :15 – 10 :45 : Testimony

Anja Metelmann, Cross border professorship awarded jointly by KIT and the University of Strasbourg)

10 :45 – 11 :15 : Working in the academic public sector in Germany

Jana Schmitt, Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists

11 :15 – 11 :30 : Coffee Break

11 :30 – 12 : Presentation of the EURES-T Upper Rhine network and its services

Sylvia Müller-Wolf, EURES Advisor, Karlsruhe

Laurent Hodio, EURES Advisor, Basel

12 – 12 :30 : Working in the academic public sector in Germany

Tanja  Popović, University of Basel

12 :30 – 2PM : Lunch break



2 :15-4 :30PM : roundtables (rotation every 45 minutes)

Mandatory registration to up to 3 roundtables

  • Working in academia in Germany : Jana Schmitt, Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (Salle 001H | Institut Le Bel)
  • Working in the private sector in Germany : Sylvia Müller-Wolf, Eures T Upper Rhine (Salle 001H | Institut Le Bel)
  • Working in academia in Switzerland : Tanja Popović, University of Basel (Salle 009H | Institut Le Bel)
  • Working in the private sector in Switzerland : Laurent Hodio, Eures T Upper Rhine (Salle 009H | Institut Le Bel)

Additionnal stand for administrative and integration assistance (Visas, Health Insurance …) : Emma Adelson, Support Officer for International Researchers, Euraxess, University of Strasbourg

4 :30-6PM : networking and afternoon snacks (optional) :

Salle Ourisson | Institut Le Bel

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In less than 1 hour, the Unistra Library Service teams will introduce you to the university libraries. Searching for… 

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  •   Studium - Salle de formation e30 - 2 rue Blaise Pascal, 67000 Strasbourg

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In less than 1 hour, the Unistra Library Service teams will introduce you to the university libraries. Searching for… 

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  •   Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire (BNU) - 6 place de la république, 67070 Strasbourg

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In less than 1 hour, the Unistra Library Service teams will introduce you to the university libraries. Searching for… 

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  •   Bibliothèque du Cardo - Salle de formation - 7, rue de l'écarlate, 67082 Strasbourg