International Tutoring
Peer tutoring is when students help other students understand their courses and improve their skills. This allows them to work on courses, get explanations on concepts that are not understood or that are difficult, implement a working methodology for better learning or get advice on how to organize themselves better.
The main idea is that students (tutors), who are often more advanced, share their knowledge and experience with students who need it (those being tutored). It is an effective way of learning because the tutors are often close in age and academic background to the students they help, which makes learning more accessible and less intimidating.
The International Relations Department has set up a tutoring program specifically for international students in order to:
- Facilitate their integration at the University of Strasbourg.
- Strengthen the individual support of international students through peer tutoring.
This system will allow participating students to:
- Better understand the French university system,
- Strengthen the skills useful for the smooth running of their studies,
- Benefit from concrete and human support for a better integration at the University of Strasbourg.
This tutoring is part of the Sens§us program "Strategic commitment of the University of Strasbourg for students, sustainability and society" and the "Welcome to France" label of the University of Strasbourg.