Document de Circulation pour Étranger Mineur. Document allowing foreign minors to travel outside France.
- Découvert (bancaire)
Overdraft. When one opens an account, the bank sets the maximum negative balance (or overdraft) that it will permit before starting to return your checks and decline your bankcard charges. Even if the bank pays an overdraft, it will charge you a fee (agio) for the privilege.
- Dépassement d'honoraire
Supplemental charge. An additional amount charged for medical services and procedures above and beyond the base rate set by the social security system
- Dépôt de garantie / Caution
Security or damage deposit. At the beginning of a lease or rental contract, tenants leave a sum of money with the property owner to pay for any damage they may do to the property. At the end of the lease, if no damage has occurred, the deposit is returned to the tenants.
- DR10
Alsace CNRS delegation.
- DU (Diplôme d'université)
'University diploma'. It is unique to the institution that confers it and has no national recognition.