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Wenting Guo : Principle Investigator at ITI NeuroStra

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2010 - 2013 : from Master to Ph.D

Wenting holds a Master’s degree in Medical Genetics from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) located in Shanghai, China which she obtained in 2013.  Her initial research was focus on building up mouse model for Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT) disease.


Through a partnership between China and Belgium, she was selected to receive a 4-year fellowship to be enrolled in doctoral research at the Laboratory of Neurobiology in KU Leuven University, in Belgium in 2013. During her Ph.D she specialised in using human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells derived from patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) to understand how changes in a specific gene called FUS (Fused in Sarcoma) affect the nerve cells that control muscles in people with an ALS. She obtained an independent technology fund from VIB-KU Leuven during her PhD.  She successfully obtained her Ph.D in Neurosciences in 2017. Her PhD research have not only been published on high impact research journals but also contributed to fostering a spin-off company.


In parallel, she also joined several scientific societies with memberships (Belgian Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, Belgian Society for Stem Cell Research, International Society for Stem Cell Research, European Network to Cure ALS, et al) and communicate her research to public audience in several national and international events (VIB-TED talk, Knowledge for growth, European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine workshop …).


2017 -2022 : post doctoral experience


Wenting obtained a post doctoral position at the Stem Cell Institute (SCIL) of KU Leuven funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and KU Leuven Research Council. Her training focused on finding new therapeutic targets by CRISPR/Cas9 screen for neurodegenerative disorders with specialised expertise in ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and and FTD (Frontotemporal Dementia).


During her post-doctorate, Wenting obtained a indepedent research grant from Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) as Principal Investigator, and secured two internaitonal travel grants from Belgian Society for Stem Cell Research (BeSSCR) and International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR). Her postdoctral research findings have been published on top neurology journals and the newly identified therapeutic target also have been filed as a patent.


From April 2022, she enrolled in an online Master of Business Administration (MBA) with the Vlerick Business School with competitive Vlerick diversity schorlarship, to develop her business and innovation management skills which will be a significant asset in pursuing her career in translational research and innovation.

In June 2023, Wenting has been awarded as the winner of ‘European Network to Cure ALS (ENCALS) Young Investigator Award Golden Medal’. She is the very first researcher being awarded this prestigious award based on her research in Belgium and also the first researcher from minority groups (non-europeans working in Europe) being awarded.


Current position


As a laureate of the Junior Group Leader 2022 call of NeuroStra,  Wenting joined the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and was awarded a starting-package by ITI NeuroStra to begin building her own research team in Strasbourg.


Since May 2023, she is a Principle investigator at the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute (ITI) NeuroStra, a network that brings together neuroscience research laboratories in Strasbourg.


In addition to her research work, she also teaches, in particular to Master’s students in their second year. More recently, she obtained several research grants including In vivo validation fund from the Target ALS foundation, Equipment fund from the ITI NeuroStra, and Research grant from the Motor Neuron Disease Accelerator.


At the same time, Wenting serves as external expert for two Horizon Europe programme funded projects to promote collaboration and communication between Europe and China (IC2PerMed, SENET). She also works as associate editor, editorial board member, reviewer board member, guest associate editor and invited reviewer for several international journals from international publishers (Springer Nature, Frontiers, MDPI, …).


Future career goals


In the near future, Wenting would like to apply for a permanent position at INSERM which would help her securing more national grants for developing her own national research team and potentially foster a new spin-off company based onher research.


Nevertheless, independence and financial support remain the cornerstones of her career aspirations. Therefore, Wenting is open for all possibilities in her future career development and will continue seek for her research goal regardless of the locations or sectors.


Her career aspirations explain the choice to pursue a part-time MBA :

Firstly, business and management skills are essential for starting and running a successful spin-off  company and managing a research team.

Secondly, inovation-management is crucial for translating scientific discoveries into practical applications and commercial products.

Finally, building a network of contacts in the industry world can be beneficial for collaborations, funding opportunities, and career advancement.


Advice for researchers pursuing their careers


For aspiring researchers, especially those in postdoctoral positions, here are several pieces of Wenting’s advice:


  • Geographic flexibility: consider working in different coutries  to gain recognitions for independence and broader perspectives ;
  • Networking: attend international conferences to present your research and build a professional network ;
  • Persistence: apply widely for faculty positions ; it is essential to explore as many opportunities as possible and remain resilient in the face of challenges ;
  • Mentorship: seek personal contacts and mentors who can provide guidance and support.