The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label
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Digital Access

Digital access at the University of Strasbourg means

 I am in Strasbourg

Digital and wi-fi access

Almost all the University of Strasbourg campuses and sites offer Wi-Fi access from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You'll need to log in with your Unistra account details.

You can also access the main digital services via Ernest, the digital and social work environment: email, digital resources, online libraries, computer labs, online printing, online timetable, etc.

The digital culture center

The Centre de culture numérique (CCN) is a space that the University of Strasbourg has dedicated to the discovery, awareness and training of digital technology: a constantly evolving field.

Its team supports the development of digital culture within the institution through training and awareness-raising workshops, as well as conferences and events focusing on new applications and tools. The CCN also supports developers of digital projects by providing technical expertise and, where necessary, material support.

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