The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label
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 I'm in Strasbourg

Consult the rating grids for :

Grading is based on a scale from 0 (minimum) to 20 (maximum).

The application of the grading grid is the responsibility of the faculties, institutes and schools.

Faculty of Medecine

Department of Medecine

French grade



 VAPASS (validated)


Speech therapy school

French grade

ECTS grade


18-20AEXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
16-18BVERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
14-16CGOOD generally sound work with a number of notable errors
12-14DSATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
10-12ESUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria
5-10FXFAIL some more work required before the credit can be awarded
0-5FFAIL considerable further work is required


Faculty of Dental Medecine

French grade

% of successful students normally achieving the grade

ECTS grade


152%AEXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
1413%BVERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
1325%CGOOD generally sound work with a number of notable errors
1236%DSATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
1122%ESUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria
101%FXFAIL some more work required before the credit can be awarded
  FFAIL considerable further work is required


Faculty of Pharmacy

French grade

ECTS grade


>=18AEXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
>= 16BVERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
>=14CGOOD generally sound work with a number of notable errors
>=12DSATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
>=10ESUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria
<10FXFAIL some more work required before the credit can be awarded
<7FFAIL considerable further work is required