The University of Strasbourg holds the Welcome to France label
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Law, Economics, Management, Political and Social Sciences

 I'm in Strasbourg

Consult the rating grids for:

Grading is based on a scale from 0 (minimum) to 20 (maximum).

The application of the grading grid is the responsibility of the faculties, institutes and schools.


Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management

French grade

ECTS grade


16-20AEXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
14-15,9BVERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
13-13,9CGOOD generally sound work with a number of notable errors
12-12,9DSATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
10-11,9ESUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria
8-9,9FXFAIL some more work required before the credit can be awarded
<8FFAIL considerable further work is required


Institute of Political Studies

French grade

% of successful students normally achieving the grade

ECTS grade


16-203%AEXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
13-15,9925%BVERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
12-12,9935%CGOOD generally sound work with a number of notable errors
11-11,9920%DSATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
10-10,9910%ESUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria
8-9,995%FXFAIL some more work required before the credit can be awarded
<=82%FFAIL considerable further work is required


EM Strasbourg Business School

French grade

ECTS grade


16-20AEXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
14-16BVERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
12-14CGOOD generally sound work with a number of notable errors
10-12DSATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
 ESUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria
<10FXFAIL some more work required before the credit can be awarded
 FFAIL considerable further work is required


Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI)

French grade


% of successful students normally achieving the grade

ECTS grade


18-20 0%A

EXCELLENT performance exceptionnelle avec seulement quelques erreurs mineures

16-17,99 6%BEXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
14-15,99 20%CVERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
12-13,99 40%DGOOD generally sound work with a number of notable errors
10-11,99 28%ESATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
0-0,99 6%FXSUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria